6 October 2023

X5 launches big data analytics solution for suppliers

Moscow, 6 October 2023 – X5 Group (“X5” or the “Company”, LSE and MOEX ticker: FIVE), a leading Russian food retailer, has expanded the capabilities of Dialog.X5, its digital platform for suppliers, with the launch of a new solution that enables quick and convenient data retrieval. With X5 DataBridge, X5’s partners will be able to use in-house IT resources to quickly generate any report they need, leveraging X5’s analytics as well as integrating data from other retailers or data platforms.

Suppliers do not need in-house development to use X5 DataBridge. They simply need to install the app on their local desktop to start receiving analytical reports directly. The software runs in the background, and reports are downloaded and updated automatically. The user receives the installation file and instructions for installing and setting up the app. Users can log in with their username and password provided during registration via their personal account at The software enables users to choose where their data will be stored: information can be saved as files or added to the user’s database.

Currently, reports are generated under two product modules: Dialog.X5/Logistics or Dialog.X5/Insights. Going forward, X5 plans to further enhance X5 DataBridge’s functionality. The intuitive, user-friendly interface helps users track data flows as well as the status of a particular task, while having instant access to all the information they need. Available reports offer a complete range of data needed for analysis: this includes sales and trends, customer behaviour patterns, on-time in-full delivery performance, stocking needs across stores, in-store product availability, and changes in assortment matrices.

Dmitry Prusov, Head of Data Monetisation at X5 Group, commented:

“The big data market offers a wide variety of solutions and channels enabling analytics use cases, and a growing number of companies have started to apply the data-driven approach to their operations. X5 Group has developed X5 DataBridge, a fast and easy-to-use tool for hundreds of its suppliers and partners who are active data users. This is essentially an app that is installed on a local machine or a partner’s server and automatically integrated out-of-the-box with X5’s key analytics services – primarily, Insights and Logistics, which are the Company’s flagship products.

One of X5 DataBridge’s standout features is its fast connection to other data providers, which enables the latter to start monetising their data at minimum cost while providing suppliers with a granular, insights-driven view of their business. By offering this new tool to its partners, X5 expects to boost the retail data market, leading to progress in terms of analytical maturity and stronger engagement with the savvy use of big data.”

Dialog.X5 and X5 DataBridge are X5’s proprietary solutions that are based on a shared authentication system, data architecture and integration model. Over 300 suppliers have already joined X5’s Dialog digital platform, with ten partners piloting the X5 DataBridge solution. All services offered on the platform meet X5’s high standards for information security and data storage.

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