
Good-faith partnership

X5 Group works closely with all market participants: customers, producers, suppliers, investors and government agencies. One of the core principles of X5’s business is good-faith partnership, which provides the best conditions both for incentivising the further development of Russian production and for growing the Company’s business.

Good-faith partnership means that the parties exchange only reliable information, live up to all their commitments and make a coordinated effort to solve problems. Concerted efforts help ensure that all parties abide by their commitments in a clear-cut way and that expected outcomes are achieved.

X5 has adopted a number of internal documents that specify the principles governing its business relations and partner selection, which are based on the key norms found in the industry’s Code of Fair Practices. Information about X5 Group’s Code of Interaction with Business Partners and its Supplier Policy is available on theFair Practicespage on X5’s website.

TheConciliation Commissionpage presents information about the work of the Conciliation Commission, which plays the role of corporate arbitrator in disputes with suppliers.

Information about tenders to supply goods to X5 Group’s retail formats can be found on the pageHow to Participate in a Tender”.